Day Habilitation Services and Supports (HCBS and SLS) 

1.   Day Habilitation Services and Supports (HCBS and SLS) 

Day Habilitation Services and Supports include assistance with the acquisition, retention or improvement of self-help, socialization and adaptive skills that take place in a non-residential setting, separate from the client’s private residence or other residential living arrangement, except when services are necessary in the residence due to medical or safety needs.


2.   Residential Habilitation Services and Supports (RHSS-DD) 

RHSS are delivered to ensure the health and safety of the client and to assist in the acquisition, retention or improvement in skills necessary to support the client to live and participate successfully in the community.

3.   Supported Employment (HCBS and SLS)

Supported Employment includes intensive, ongoing supports that enable a client, for whom competitive employment at or above the minimum wage is unlikely absent the provision of supports, and who because of the client’s disabilities needs supports to perform in a regular work setting

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